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UBUNTU: Featured Businesses

Would you like your business or services to be featured on
our website, social media promotions
and monthly calendar e-blasts?


Sponsors will receive:

-recognition on our website, in our promotion, and at the events
​-15% discount on reserved booths (when applicable)

-2 free tickets to each of our lecture series and dances/celebrations.

Join our monthly sponsor membership! 

Or to support our efforts in making a difference in our 
communities, donations are welcome. 
To contribute:

In order for relationships to survive, we must be able to provide for our families. Finance is usually a major factor in why many relationships fail. In order to have successful relationships, we must support each other,  which will enable our community to develop and prosper. Check out the business listings of those who are members, affiliated with, and or are supporters, of Afrikan-centered People Meet.​

By offering authentic exquisitely hand-crafted garments and decorative accents from Ghana,
African Legacy Shoppe brings a small piece of Africa to you.

African Batakari- Blue w/White
African Boubou - Blue Adinkra
African Print Maxi Sun Dress
Boy's Atade Pant Set -Adinkra
UBUNTU: Affiliate Businesses

The following are  referral links and we will earn a commission from every sale:

Obtain a culturally relevant and high quality education in all things wealth building & Black business creation. All for a fraction of the cost of a college degree.

Black Love and Economics
Cryptocurrency Investing 101
Black Millionaires of Tomorrow
The New Black Power
Neith Sandals
Tut Sneakers 
Nekhbet Loafers
Heru Boots
RBG Slippers
Nat Turners
RBG Running Sneakers
Fred Hampton's TIMBO'S

This 52-card series gives a strong foundation of the many untold stories and unknown figures that have given shape, color, and definition to the worlds of academia, science, civil rights, education, the arts, and more.

Black History Flash Cards
Pres. Jomo Kenyatta
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Black History Flash Cards

"Economics, politics and culture relate; as ecological and sociological and psychological dimensions relate. It is this relationship that we as African peoples have to work at and make work for us...But if you only have culture and you’re not hooked the economics and it’s not related to your politics, then you do not have a system of development. You only have a system of survival." ~ Dr. Leonard Jeffries

Help Afrikan-centered People Meet
make a difference:

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